Terms of use
- Updated for the Billiard Sports platformTerms and definitions
User Agreement - hereinafter referred to as "Agreement", this agreement, regulating the procedure for interaction of Site Users with each other, users and Site, User and Administrator, as well as containing rules and mandatory terms of participation of the parties in the events of the Site.
Parties, party - Site Administrator, Site and User.
Bill4you, Site - the site provides players with the opportunity to participate in competitions according to the rules established by the Russian Federation Sports Federation, as well as the rules established by the Site Administrator, and with the aim of developing and improving the skills of players with the following games (including, but not limited to): Pool, Rus-billiard, Snooker, Chinese billiards.
Administrator - the owner of the BILL4YOU site, the owner of exclusive rights to the site and its content, the organizer of gaming events, competitions.
User - an individual registered on the site in order to participate in the gaming activities of the Site. Is the sole user of the email address provided by the online service provider or other entity (e.g., company, educational institution, etc.) responsible for providing email addresses for the domain associated with the specified email address. The mail that was used to register on the site is also the sole user of the phone number issued by the cellular operator, which is also the QIWI wallet number. The user confirms that he is the legal owner of the account from which the payment is made when making the purchase and sale of the game currency "Banknote", as well as making a deposit on the site, by specifying their credentials for access to tournaments for "Banknotes".
Team - a union of two or more Users to participate in battles and tournaments.
Battle - a competition between two Users or Teams in the same game discipline in order to determine the winner - the user or team that has shown the best result in the application of game playing skills.
Game - game discipline in which competitions are held on the site.
Tournament - a competition between multiple users and teams in the play off mode (for elimination) in order to determine the best three Users / Teams and to distribute the prize places of the tournament between them.
Dispute - disagreement of one or more participants in the competition with the results presented by the other party.
Coin - virtual bonus points accrued by the Administrator in order to reward individual Users for completing tasks set by the Administrator, as well as for other actions on the site at the discretion of the Administrator. They cannot be converted into currency, cannot be withdrawn from the site. The User can independently dispose of the coins in his account in accordance with the Agreement and the terms of the competition
Banknote - a virtual currency convertible into rubles, which the User purchases with his own funds through payment systems, using this currency, the User has the right to purchase gaming tools and the rights to participate in some virtual games organized on the Site, as well as use other paid services of the Site.
- The BILL4YOU website is a platform for organizing tournaments, competitions and fights in e-sports. These game processes are not gambling or sweepstakes. The results of such games directly depend on the skills and personal qualities of the User - the higher the skills and abilities of the User, the more likely it is to achieve positive results in the Games, including the likelihood of being a winner. Therefore, before starting to play in a particular discipline, the User independently assesses his chances and compares real prospects. The Administrator does not give guarantees for the achievement of certain results by the User, because games lack the element of randomness and luck.
- The Site provides Users with the opportunity to participate in e-sports tournaments, competitions and fights on a paid and free basis, organized on the Site itself. The site reserves the right to encourage the most active users from its own funds by rewarding them with "coins", "banknotes" or other prizes, depending on each specific gameplay organized on the Site. The rewarding of the Users is not random, but depends on their use of sports skills and the fulfillment of the conditions stated by the Administrator.
- By starting to use the Site in any of the possible ways, the User unconditionally agrees with all the terms of the Agreement and other regulatory documents of the Site.
- By starting to use the Site in terms of depositing and withdrawing funds, as well as participating in contests with cash prizes, the User confirms that he has reached the age of majority and full legal capacity.
- If the rules for using the Site and the procedure for interaction between the parties set forth in the Agreement contradict the legislation of the country of which the User is a resident, the User undertakes to act in accordance with the legal provisions of his state and not to use the Site.
- The User is solely responsible for the legality of his actions on the Site.
- The Administrator reserves the right to establish the conditions for the User's participation in the Games. None of the conditions for the participation of Users in the Games is an offer to place a bet or participate in the lottery.
- In the event that material prizes or other remuneration have been established by the Administrator for a separate competition, Prizes and winnings are paid by the Administrator from his own funds. These events are not a public promise of an award, promotion, sweepstakes, or lottery. The purpose of rewarding the most successful participants is to keep users interested in esports competitions and stimulate them to develop their skills in playing the game.
- The Site, including without limitation all content, software and functionality available on the Site, or received or sent from the Site, is provided "as is", "as available" and "with all errors." To the fullest extent permitted by law, BILL4YOU makes no representations, warranties or representations of any kind (express or implied) about: the site; its content and software; functionality available on the site or downloaded with its help; messages or information sent by users of the site; any products or services offered through the site or through hyperlinks to third parties; security related to the transmission of confidential information through the site. BILL4YOU does not guarantee that the site, any of its functions or any other content will be invariable and free of errors, or that errors will be corrected, that the sites or servers on which the sites are located are free of viruses or other harmful components.
User's rights and obligations
- The User has the right to enter into relations with the Site in terms of depositing and withdrawing funds, as well as to take part in contests with cash prizes, only having reached the age of majority and legal capacity.
- The User is obliged to comply with the Terms of the User Agreement and the rules of the Games in which he participates.
- The User is responsible for his actions on the Site and undertakes to comply with the laws of the country of which he is a resident.
- The user, when registering on the site, is obliged to indicate reliable data about himself, as well as to correct the data in a timely manner in case of their change.
- Each User has the right to register only one account and act only under his own registration data.
- The User has the right to use the Site exclusively personally. The transfer of registration data by the User to third parties is prohibited and is a violation of the Terms of Use of the Site.
- The user is obliged to comply with measures for the safety of registration data, in particular login and password, and be solely responsible in case of their leakage and use by third parties.
- The User undertakes to immediately notify the Site support service of any suspicions of unauthorized use of his login and password by third parties.
- The user has the right to participate in all events organized for users by the Site on the terms offered by the Site.
- The user has the right to block his account at any time upon request.
- The User has the right to accumulate Coins and spend Coins in accordance with the procedure established by the Site. In this case, the conversion of coins into monetary currency is not possible.
- The User has the right to replenish the Banknote account by purchasing them in accordance with the procedure established by the Site. The User has the right to dispose of the Banknotes at his own discretion on the Site, in accordance with the procedure established by the Site, including paying for his participation in a particular Game with them, as well as returning them to the Organizer, having received his money back.
- The User is obliged to timely familiarize himself with the changes in the procedure for interaction between the parties and, in case of disagreement with the newly introduced changes, refuse to use the Site.
- The user is obliged to follow the rules for conducting fights, tournaments, posted in the relevant sections of the site.
- The User has the right to open a dispute over a competition with the results of which he does not agree.
- On open Disputes, participants have the right to come to an agreement and record it in the competition card.
- The user undertakes not to place state symbols and names of states in the name of his profile, his team, as well as on avatars.
Site administration's rights and obligations
- The Administrator is obliged to provide technical support to the Users of the Site.
- The Administrator is obliged to promptly notify Users of all changes in the procedure for interaction between the Parties by posting updated information on the Site.
- The Administrator has the right to inform the Users by sending SMS messages to the mobile phone number specified by the User in his profile on the Site.
- The Administrator has the right to suspend the possibility of replenishing the Banknotes account.
- In case one User uses more than one account at the same time, as well as in case of colluding with other Users for the purpose of unreasonable and illegal replenishment of the account Coins or raising the rating, the Administrator has the right to block all user accounts of such persons with the cancellation of the accounts of Coins and Banknotes, as well as other prizes of such Users.
- If the User violates the User Agreement in terms of organizing a fight or participating in a fight, the Administrator has the right to cancel the results of such a fight and suspend the User's account
- The Site has the right to request additional information and documentation in order to identification of the User, as well as for the return of funds or prizes. In case of failure to provide such information and documentation by the User, the Site has the right to refuse to return money or a prize.
- The Administrator has the right to use the indicators of the accounts of Banknotes and Coins of Users to improve the search functions for potential participants in the competition, including but not limited to informing other Users about the status of these accounts.
- The Administrator is obliged to consider the Dispute on which the participants did not come to an agreement and make a decision. The decision can be either the victory of one of the parties, or the loss of both, or the cancellation of the competition if it is not possible to determine the winner.
- The Administrator has the right to make a decision on the Dispute without waiting for the decision of the participants in the competition.
Required user information
- During registration and / or at the time of processing payments and buying banknotes and crediting them to the User's account or withdrawing funds from the User's account, as well as at the time of access to the competition, the User must provide the following information: < ul>
- a combination of characters that will become the User's name for authorization on the Site. Should not be the same as in the passport;
- password;
- email address;
- phone number, aka QIWI wallet;
- date of birth;
- location country;
- game information - integration with a third-party service (including but not limited to twitch, youtube, steam, battle.net, wargaming.net, leagueoflegends, easports).
- The Administrator communicates with the Users by sending information messages to the details specified by the User, including sending SMS messages to the phone number specified by the User.
- The User, by specifying the information, agrees to receive messages from the Administrator and other Users through the specified communication channels, as well as to the processing of personal data by the Administrator.
Participation conditions
- Users are able to access the Site and view the games available to participate. Each individual competition, not included in the free category, has a clearly defined access condition, expressed in payment for such access by paying for access to the competition in Banknotes or Coins. After the User decides to participate in the competition and perform the actions necessary for access, the cost of access to the competition indicated in the Banknotes or Coins is automatically debited from the User's account in BILL4YOU.
Соревнования предлагаемые Сайтом
- The Administrator reserves the right to change the composition of the games presented on the site.
- The Site offers the following games for the User to participate: Pool, Rus-billiard, Snooker, Chinese billiards.
- Each specific competition in the Games of the Site may involve:
- free access;
- payment for access in Coins;
- payment for access in Banknotes;
- access subject to other conditions established by the Site.
Participation in battles and tournaments
- By being on the site online, the User has the right to accept a challenge to a duel from other Users of the site or independently use the function of calling an opponent to a duel in any of the Games presented on the Site, where, according to the rules of the Game, such a format of participation is provided. This function allows you to instantly participate in a duel organized on the Site
- The User has the ability to search for potential opponents on the Site's "Ratings" page, as well as in the game's lair.
- The site is a platform for gaming competitions, while Users compete with each other. The site is not a participant in the competition, or an opponent in a duel. The site acts as an arbiter and custodian of information about the results of game processes.
- The user independently publishes the competition or accepts a challenge, and is also responsible for the data specified by him, including for the mistakes made. The site does not verify the validity and appropriateness of the participation of the Users in the game processes.
- After publishing a competition or accepting an invitation to participate in it, the competition becomes open to the access of an unlimited number of people. The administrator reserves the exclusive right to determine the periods in which the Site is available for publishing competitions, as well as the periods of termination of access to the site. Such periods are set at the discretion of the Administrator.
- The Administrator reserves the exclusive right to suspend or cancel any competition (or one of the stages) in case of detection of viral activity, errors, unauthorized interference and other events affecting the administration, safety, fairness, integrity and normal holding a competition (or part of it). The administrator can, but is not obliged to, notify his users of such changes.
- The Administrator reserves the right to move participants from the competitions in which they have registered to other similar competitions in certain situations, determined by the Administrator at its discretion.
- The user taking part in the competition, scheduled for a specific date and time, and deciding to refuse to participate, must cancel his participation in a timely manner, but no later than the time specified in the competition rules, otherwise the Coins or Banknotes deposited User per access is non-refundable.
- If the condition for access to the Game is payment with Coins, the User must have the required number of coins in his account. If the User has access to such a Game, the cost of access is automatically debited from the User's coin account.
- In the event that access to a game must be paid for with Banknotes, for the User to access such a Game, the User must have the required number of Banknotes on his Account. If the User has access to such a Game, the cost of access is automatically debited from his banknote account.
- The User is responsible for behavior that violates the User Agreement, as well as for behavior that is unfair and unlawful.
- The general principle of interaction between Users on the Site is the principle of competition, based on the e-sports skills of Users.
- Any behavior of the User on the site that makes the result of the competition dependent on external factors that do not depend on the skills of playing the game and knowledge of the rules, is illegal and unfair in relation to other Users and the Site.
- The Administrator, at his discretion, can disqualify any User, refuse him to pay prizes, bonuses and other rewards, as well as demand the return of already paid prizes, bonuses and other rewards, if the User directly or indirectly applies by his actions on the Site harm or damage to other Users, or is seen in unfair or illegal activities.
- Fraudulent activity means, but not limited to:
- falsifying personal information necessary to participate in competitions or receive a prize;
- engaging in any type of financial fraud, including unauthorized use of e-wallets, credit / debit cards to compete or receive a prize;
- collusion with any other User, or an attempt thereto;
- accumulation of Banknotes, Coins, Rating Points or prizes by unauthorized methods, such as automated scripts, bots, robots or any other automated means;
- use of automated tools (including, but not limited to, automated scripts, bots, robots and parsers) in order to obtain, collect or access information on the site or user information for any purpose;
- any type of abuse of the bonus system, affiliate program or any promotional activities of the Site;
- interfering with the management of the competition or attempting to interfere in any way with the site system or the site's security management system;
- spreading spam;
- publishing insults, information containing profanity; slander, insults, campaign slogans, advertising and other information not related to the interaction of the Parties on the website;
- The Administrator is not responsible to Users or third parties for:
- the content of the information specified by the User, as well as the consequences of specifying any information by the User, namely : incorrect, inaccurate or invalid indication of information, human errors;
- the User's technical problems, including utility or telecommunication outages, interruptions in work, or any other defects and failures in the operation of telecommunication systems, the Internet, low speed, bandwidth limitation and other problems associated with the work of computer equipment, servers, providers or software (including, but not limited to software and operating systems that prevent the player from taking part in the competition), including, but not limited to, any injury, damage to any computer and related equipment of the participant or any other person in connection with or as a result of participation in the competition; for the inability to access the site or any web pages that are part of the site or are associated with them; theft, break-ins, destruction or unauthorized access or alteration of data of any kind; data that is processed late or incorrectly, or incompletely, or lost due to problems related to telecommunications, postal services, the operation of computer equipment or other sites, or for any other reason, as well as any other errors and failures, or any combination thereof.
- Any attempt by the User or any other person to damage the Site or affect its operation, including the function of holding competitions, depending on the severity of the offense, may be qualified as an administrative or criminal offense, and in such cases the Administrator leaves for oneself the right to apply for protection of interests to law enforcement agencies and to demand compensation for losses and all associated costs from the violator in accordance with the current legislation.
- Both competitors and competition winners agree to the use of their names, voices and images in connection with the design, hosting, promotion and operation of any competition or site. Winners agree that from the moment the Administrator is notified of their status as a winner / potential winner and until the Administrator notifies them that there is no such need, they grant the Administrator the rights described above to promote.
- The administrator and all events held are not in any way connected or affiliated with any eSports leagues, as well as eSports teams that are members of various leagues.
- Third parties inviting users to the Site are not responsible for the content of the Site, as well as any other content, software and functions available on, or provided through the Site.
- The User is solely responsible if the Administrator's mailing to the e-mail addresses and phone numbers specified by the user, as his personal, but not personal, was regarded as viral or spam by the real owners of these addresses and numbers.
- The Administrator is not responsible for the consequences of the User's failure to receive informational and other messages if messages are sent to the addresses and phone numbers specified by the User, but turned out to be incorrect or belonging to third parties.
Competitions results and prizes
- For each individual cyber competition, the Site summarizes the results. Depending on the result, the status of the winner of the cyber competition is assigned, the prize places are distributed, and the participants are awarded. The results contain statistical information on the activity of Users in the game, as well as on the number of game points scored by users. The announced results of the competition cannot be changed, except in cases where the Site detects a violation by the Users of the Agreement, the rules of the Game, or the Users commit other illegal actions. The announced result of the competition is the competition with the "Over" status.
- The Administrator reserves the right to cancel the results and refuse to award a victory and a prize in the cases specified in the User Agreement.
- Prizes and bonus units are accrued within 15 minutes after summing up the results of the competition, unless a technical failure or other reasons prevent it from being done in a timely manner. The winnings are automatically reflected in the Winner's personal account on the website
- Guaranteed prizes are offered as part of a number of competitions held on the Site. Each competition or special offer is governed by its own rules. The user is obliged to familiarize himself with the rules for holding such competitions or special offers before participating in each of them.
- Prizes will only be awarded if the competition is successful. The site reserves the right to cancel any competition at any stage. In case of cancellation of the competition, the cost of participation is refunded to all participants, except for cases expressly described in the Agreement.
- Information about the prize fund and the conditions for participation in the competition is published at the time of the creation of each new competition.
Payments and funds withdrawal
- Deposits and withdrawals are not available to persons under the age of majority.
- The Site does not charge a fee for registering the User and creating his account.
- The Administrator reserves the right change or supplement payment services that can be used to purchase Banknotes.
- 12.3. The site is not a tax agent. You assume the obligation to comply with the tax laws of the country of which you are a resident, and at the same time to pay all applicable taxes, fees and charges imposed by government agencies in all regions, the responsibility of which arises for the User in connection with the use of the Site.
- You accept and agree that the Administrator is not responsible for the impossibility of completing any transaction related to the use of the Site.
- The User has the right to participate in any Games organized on the Site. In this case, the User is obliged to comply with the access conditions established for the Game. To access the competition for the prizes of the Administrator, the User's account must have a sufficient amount of Banknotes or Coins, depending on the conditions of access to a particular competition. To pay for access to the competition, the User has the right to use Coins and Banknotes, depending on the conditions of each competition.
- The minimum deposit amount is 10 (Ten) Banknotes. The Site for each User may set a different minimum and maximum amount of replenishment and withdrawal, which depends on the history of the User's use of the site, the methods he uses to replenish the Banknotes balance, and other factors determined by the Site. The administrator reserves the right to use and change such limits at any time.
- Funds paid by the User for the purchase of Banknotes or for any others are used by the Administrator to improve the services of the Site, purchase new content and other purposes for the development of the Site.
- The size and type of prize for each Game is indicated in the "Victory" column.
- Users have the right to convert Banknotes into rubles and withdraw funds using the section "My Account" / "Withdrawal of funds »Personal account on the Site. The site may request additional confirmation of the legality of such actions (unless it is expressly prohibited by applicable law) and / or the relevant tax documents, as well as identity documents. In this case, the User is obliged to provide such documents. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in disqualification and cancellation of the prizes, winnings, awards and all prizes due to the User.
- Replacement of the prize or transfer to another person is not allowed at the initiative of the User is not allowed.
- The Administrator reserves the right, at its discretion, to replace the prize with a prize of equal value or more valuable if the prize announced earlier is no longer available. All prizes are awarded "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied (including without limitation any implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose).
- All requests of Users for withdrawal of funds must be approved by the Administrator, after which the funds will be credited to the User's QIWI wallet linked to the confirmed phone number within 7 calendar days.
- All payments for participation in the competition are final. Refunds are only possible if the competition is canceled. If it is impossible to unambiguously identify the person who applied for participation, such an application will be considered submitted by the person to whom the account was registered.
- Payment systems used to pay for access to games and competitions charge their own commissions, independent of the Administrator and not subject to correction by the Organizer and determined by the internal rules of such payment systems.
Termination of the agreement
- The Administrator at any time can change the terms of the User Agreement and other rules governing the relationship between the Site and the User.
- The site may cease to exist at any time and (or) refuse to provide certain services without prior notice.
Intellectual property
- Site Content, including, but not limited to, texts, software, scripts, graphics, photographs, sounds, music, videos, interactive features, trademarks, service marks and logos (hereinafter "intellectual property") belong to the Administrator, and is subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, international laws and conventions. The content on the site is for private use only, and may not be used, copied, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, broadcast, sold or used in any other way for any other purpose without the prior written consent of the respective owners. The administrator reserves all rights, including those not explicitly presented, to the site and intellectual property. You agree not to participate in the use, copying, distribution of any of the components of intellectual property, except as expressly permitted by this document. If you download or print a copy of the intellectual property for your personal use, you must retain all copyright and other notices contained therein. Any copying of the content of the content is permissible only with reference to the original.
- If the User uploads audio, video, texts, images and other materials (hereinafter "user materials") to the site, the User agrees that the Administrator has the right to process, publish, store, reproduce, translate , demonstration, archiving, publication, reproduction, provision, transfer and other actions for the processing of information.
- The site reserves the right not to use or remove custom materials without prior notice.
Claims resolving order
- All disputes, complaints and claims arising under this Agreement and related to the use of the site (including all financial transactions carried out using the site) (hereinafter "Complaints"), the parties resolve through negotiations, and in the case of the impossibility of resolving claims in a pre-trial manner, will be considered in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including the Arbitration Court of the city of Moscow.